Mundare seniors serve up fine Ukrainian fare
Members of the Mundare Senior’s Centre cooked up a storm during their monthly perogy dinner on Feb 21. Adults were able to partake for $15 and children six and under cost $6.
“The food leans toward a Ukrainian menu,” said senior’s club president Marrien Chudyk. “We change it up a bit sometimes so it doesn’t get boring.”
Friday’s menu included cheddar or cottage cheese perogies in cornmeal, potatoes and gravy, chicken, borscht, salad, and dessert of white cake with strawberries and whipped cream.
Chudyk added that approximately 20 of the 50 seniors club members take part in preparing the monthly dinners. “We are quite fortunate to have so many that are willing to help,” he said.
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Chudyk said that in addition to preparing the meal on the day of the dinner, members also get together once a month to make perogies for the upcoming dinners. Fifty bags each containing 60 perogies are usually made. At the Feb dinner, 24 bags were used to feed 97 people.
He added that the monthly Perogy Dinners are evenings where residents like to get together.
“We usually have around 100 – 170 people come out to the dinners,” he said. “Although the most we have ever had was 180.”
Read THE REST OF THE STORY below in the full February 26 edition of The Lamont Leader!
Jana Semeniuk