Sludge build-up in lagoons prompts Mundare council to approve project
While some topics are tantalizing, others are not; but you still have to talk about them never-the-less.
One such topic is sewage. Most unpleasant, sewage is a fact of life, and at times there are issues that a municipality must address. In this case, Mundare’s town council has to address an expensive cleaning project for its lagoons, whether it wants to or not.
It is estimated that the town’s lagoons haven’t been cleaned in a decade, so cleaning it now is a necessity for the municipality. Cleaning isn’t inexpensive, and the projected cost of cleaning the lagoons is in the area of $400,000.
Colin Zyla, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Mundare said that four anaerobic and three facultative cells need to be cleaned. “We are applying for our 2016 capital grant for the project, (we don’t have the 2016 numbers yet), estimated to be $213,948 with $129,000 from reserves, and the rest from the 2017 MSI (Municipal Sustainability Grant).”
He went on to say, “The sludge has built up, and it needs to be cleaned. The sludge will be removed and disposed.”
Michelle Pinon