Community Adult Learning Council asks for financial help

At their November 8 regular meeting, Lamont County Council received correspondence from Community Adult Learning Council (CALC) Chair Debby Gargus requesting a contribution of $10,000 to CALC in 2012 and $15,000 in 2013 to maintain current programs and services.

In her letter, Gargus indicated that over the years, the Ministry of Advanced Education and Technology has mandated that more emphasis be placed in the areas of literacy learning, English language learning, employment enhancement and General Education Development (G.E.D.) or post-secondary educational enhancement.

“The structure of the Community Adult Learning Council is starting to take on similarities to the public school system. We also anticipated that our reporting and funding period will be aligned with the public school system,” stated Gargus in her letter.
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She added that the province is not funding CALC for programs the communities truly want such as exercise classes, the Senior’s Fair and the annual Spring Tune Up women’s conference.

Consequently, if CALC does not receive extra funding, it will be forced to eliminate the part-time Administrative position and cut back the Director’s hours to 30 hours a week.

Check out the November 15 edition of the Lamont Leader for more.