Chipman postmaster retires after 21 years

The streets of Chipman were alive on Christmas eve with music, cheering and honking from the long line of vehicles slowly parading past the local post office in a show of gratitude for retiring postmaster Carol Stribling.
Stribling, who retired on Christmas eve after serving the community’s postal needs for 21 years, felt surprised and emotional at the display.
“I have no words,” said Stribling. “I had absolutely no idea. My heart feels overwhelmed.”
Chipman resident Lana Zipps, a close friend of Stribling, felt something needed to be done to show Stribling how much the community will miss her.
“Carol has done so much for this community,” said Zipps, “She has done so much volunteer work and really brought people together.”
While COVID restrictions meant a retirement party was out of the question, Zipps had another idea.
“I thought we have to do something. I’ve had this idea for a while for something special. We can’t have a retirement party for her, so what’s the next best thing?” said Zipps.
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Zipps then contacted reinforcements.
“I called the Chipman Players, which she has been a member of for years, and the AG Society and it just took off from there,” she said.
At least 20 vehicles coasted by the post office to say goodbye to Stribling who stood in front waving to each one.
The local fire department was on hand to ensure safety during the parade.
Stribling added that she has plans for more volunteer work in her retirement.
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Jana Semeniuk
Staff Reporter