Caribou Publishing Sweeps Fire Prevention

Caribou Publishing recently swept the 2011 Fire Prevention Week awards in its circulation category, with The Community Press winning the Award of Excellence for the fourth time in a decade, while the Lamont Leader won its first Honourable Mention distinction in the publication’s brief history.

Both newspapers competed in the Alberta 2500-5000 circulation group, submitting their October Fire Prevention sections to be judged. The annual awards are presented by the Office of the Alberta Fire Commissioner, and were presented at the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association’s annual January Symposium, held this year in Calgary.
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Although unable to make the trip in person, Community Press Publisher and Caribou Publishing Vice President Eric Anderson proudly posed with the awards recently.

“Our papers have always been proud supporters of Fire Prevention Week and our local volunteer fire departments,” he said. “With their selfless and brave contributions to our communities year after year, we are continually indebted to them.”