Village council asks to join Lamont County FCSS

Andrew FCSS Director Elke Carr’s resignation opened the door to a new possibility for the provision of programs and services, and on April 27 village council voted in favour of partnering with FCSS Lamont County region.

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A formal letter of request, dated May 2, was forwarded to Lamont County for consideration. In that letter, Chief Administrative Officer Pat Skoreyko stated, “The Village of Andrew Council was impressed with the scope and provision of programs and services provided by the FCSS Lamont County Region.

“At the regular council meeting of April 27, 2016, Council unanimously passed a resolution to join the FCSS Lamont County Region. The Village of Andrew recognizes that approval is required by Lamont County council, based on recommendation by the FCSS board members.”

Skoreyko went on to say, “We look forward to forming a mutually beneficial partnership that will provide village and county residents with the support services they require.” The request is expected to go before Lamont County Council at its June 14 regular council meeting.

Village of Andrew Mayor Heather Tait told the Lamont Leader, “This is an absolutely positive step for our community and area.” She also pointed out that, “The programs are 10 fold from what we are able to provide on our own. Andrew council unanimously voted to ensure that programs and services for residents are made available. The programs and services provided by Lamont County far exceed our reach as a stand alone FCSS.”

Mayor Tait also stressed that it will not cost more to join the Lamont County region. She added that FCSS Lamont County will be collaborating with the village in order to meet the changing needs of the Village of Andrew and area as a whole.