Junior Chipman Players to perform “The Ever After”

Members of the Junior Chipman Players will be performing the play “The Ever After” this Thursday, April 29 at the Chipman National Hall.

The cast are set to be going on stage at 7 p.m. sharp. Keiron Willis, one of three directors of the play, says folks can expect to meet some old favorite fairy tale characters in a new light. “I’m expecting everyone that comes to have a great time, and meet a great bunch of kids.”

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Willis, who also directs the play with June Lambkin and Brenda Derksen, who are all original members of the Chipman Players. “The three of us work together as a group to help these young stars to achieve their goal of putting on a play.”

The junior players, 13 in total, range in age from seven to 13 years of age and have been practicing since November, as well as playing acting games to develop their skills.

As for the storyline, Willis says “The Ever After” is a TV show parody in which a cheesy talk show host invites traditional fairy tale characters to reconcile their differences after being estranged for 20 years.

Willis says the play was chosen for the fact the characters are known and it matched our length requirement and amount of characters. There will also be a meet and greet with the cast at the end of the performance, and she is hoping there will be a large and supportive crowd on hand to cheer on these budding stars.

Tickets are only $5 a piece at the door. Children under the age of two get in free, and a family rate is $15.

Michelle Pinon